Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Letter I wrote to the NY Post

I get it: I'm a grumpy old man. Anyway, the NY Post had two articles in it today which can be found here and here (check out the captions under the pictures on the second article) which basically make fun of the cultural garb of some Muslim women. So I wrote them a letter, lets see if Serena French (Fashion Editor) will even respond. If not I'm resending the letter everyday from different email addresses. Ha!

You're article in the Post on July 22 entitled "Perfect for today's medieval woman" and the spread above the article "'Tehran's 'Cover' Girls" were nothing more than thinly veiled jokes made at the expense of another person's culture; from the snarky remarks next to each picture to the completely biased and factually incorrect information in the copy. A woman covering herself is no more "Muslim" than wearing a white sheet and burning crosses is Christian. The hijab and other coverings some Muslim women wear is cultural, not religious, and therefore is not "a dress code adopted by Muslim women the world over." Your biased article is merely pointing the finger and laughing at other people's cultural practices. Would you so quickly put up an article about Jewish women and their practice of shaving their heads and then wearing a wig? I think not because that would be wrong, but poking fun at the culture of some Muslims is not?

Keep up the snarky, one day you'll get that job at Gawker.


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