Monday, January 19, 2009

One of many sacrifices for my son

Getting a kid ready takes time, and any time I spend on me takes away time needed to get his diapers, bottle, car seat, clothes etc ready for any trip. As such I regret to inform you my afro is dead (May 2008 to Jan 09, RIP).

Dwayne from What's Happening was so proud. 

Very Obama-like; hope and change. 

The new cover from Blu-ray version of Face Off

It was fun while it lasted, but it's for the best. When I went into the Dominican barbershop and asked them to cut my wig off, the barber says in a very thick accent, "Poppa, jew sure?" I replied yes. He turns on the clippers and when he is about to cut he then says, "Poppa, jew sure, cuz when I cut it, it no come back." Perhaps I'll bury my hair in the pet cemetery, then it will come back. 


Curtis said...

Well, I think you look sexy!

Josh Homer said...

Thanks Curtis!

Anonymous said...

aw man! you looked funnier with the fro, bro. lil' dreamkiller deals the first blow.