Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are parents really that scared?

While I searched the internet for a picture of the girl from Aeon FLux who has hands for feet, I came accross a site for parents that gives the low down on every movie and warns them about things that might upset their children in the movie. I think that's a good idea in theory, I mean you have a rating system in place, and although it is far from perfect you have an idea of what a movie will contain based on the rating received.

The site goes into specific stuff about each movie. The one note that caught my eye on Aeon Flux was a section on "Disrepectful/Bad Attidudes"

Here's a snipppit:

*We learn that Oren is the one who tried to have his brother killed (via an unknowing Aeon) and that since that didn't work, he's now attempting to orchestrate a coup. We also learn that he's killed (or had killed) anyone in the city who's become pregnant by natural means.
*Those working for him also have bad attitudes.
*Some viewers could see the rebels as having bad attitudes for their actions, but they're portrayed in the movie as the "good guys."

Who would have ever thought that workers have bad attitudes? Perhaps we should keep our kids out of the post office as well.
"I'm smiling on the outside, but on the inside I'm plotting to poop in your mailbox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've gotta say i'm really enjoying your frequent use of the word "poop" in your posts.

probably because i'm a 12 year old.