So we went to the doctor today to get bloodwork and get a sonogram that would tell us the baby's sex. The problem is the little kid kept his legs closed, he moved a bit, but it was very hard to see. Finally we got a peak at the goods and it looks like a boy. This has to be confirmed in 3 weeks when we go to a specialist. So basically I know my son might have a penis.
Congrats! I'll still offer you all my used toys, but I guess the clothes are off limits.
Congrats! Have you considered names yet? (I'll give you $1000 bucks to name him Kantad or $2500 to name him Hoopachoo.) His initials should be D. K. so you can have a good callback on your DreamKiller joke.
Well the kid can wear anything when he's little and he'll never know!
What about Kantad as a middle name?
Um. Middle name's good for 200 bucks. But it's not really a risk, you know what I'm saying? A middle name can be easily ignored. Unless it's Hoopachoo.
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