Monday, September 8, 2008

"They Live"

Over the weekend I watched one of my childhood favorite moves, They Live. I was a little disappointed, I waited all movie for Rowdy Rody Piper to say "I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum...." and when he did it felt like the air was let out of my balloon. Although They Live still has one of the best (unneeded) fight seens in any movie.

I've decided to never watch any more movies I loved as a kid, except for The Princess Bride and The Thing because those movies are classics (and I've watched them already and still love them)


Harris said...

hey josh homer,

did you know that in one of their episodes south park re-created the entire fight scene?

That's one to grow on!

btw - not sure it's one of the best, but i'm pretty sure it's the longest fight scene in any movie.

rock on,


Josh Homer said...

Watch the second video in this post. It's a shot by shot comparison of the two fights.


Harris said...

hey josh homer,

so it is

rock on,
