Thursday, November 13, 2008

I just didn't and still don't care

Last night as I approach my door, with an armfull of groceries, I see three fire trucks, two emergency police trucks and two ambulances near my house. I also see a bunch of people standing around looking. I couldn't see what was going on because one of the firetrucks blocked my view. I walked up to my door and my new neighbor is coming out. The following exchange tooks place:

Neighbor: Wow, what's going on?
Me: I have no idea.
Neighbor: I heard someone is pinned in a car or something
Me: Well it looks like a car accident to me, there are too many people just standing around for it to be a shooting.
Neighbor: Yeah, I guess. You going over there?
Me: Nah, I don't care, and I'm hungry. I'll read about it in the police blotter or something.
Neighbor: Oh....ok, well have a good night.
Me: You too.

I've lived in my neighborhood for over three years, and before that I used to hang out here; so I've been around these parts for the last 10 years. Just because a bunch of new people are here, doesn't mean I should care. Couple that with the fact that if the same accident happeend just 5 years ago before the new (white) people moved in, the response to a simple accident would not have been so grand.

For all I know this could have been what happened

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