Wednesday, January 28, 2009

As long as we're on the same page...

My wife bought a couch sight unseen off of When the delivery guy arrived yesterday, he looked at our brownstone and the eight steps leading to the front door. He immediately said the following, "Hey, hope you know I don't do stairs." I replied, "I heard, hope you know I don't do tips." He didn't think it was funny, and by him hanging around for an extra minute after the couch was on the curb, he also didn't think I was serious.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One of many sacrifices for my son

Getting a kid ready takes time, and any time I spend on me takes away time needed to get his diapers, bottle, car seat, clothes etc ready for any trip. As such I regret to inform you my afro is dead (May 2008 to Jan 09, RIP).

Dwayne from What's Happening was so proud. 

Very Obama-like; hope and change. 

The new cover from Blu-ray version of Face Off

It was fun while it lasted, but it's for the best. When I went into the Dominican barbershop and asked them to cut my wig off, the barber says in a very thick accent, "Poppa, jew sure?" I replied yes. He turns on the clippers and when he is about to cut he then says, "Poppa, jew sure, cuz when I cut it, it no come back." Perhaps I'll bury my hair in the pet cemetery, then it will come back. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God help me

I just had a child and it really makes me believe in God; not the power of birth stuff. I believe in God by default.

Evolution could not explain how got here. A caveman couldn't hide from a velociraptor with a screaming baby in his hands.

"Dinner time!
I think I hear a baby that needs his diaper changed."