Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm a class A a-hole

It's part of my charm. Yesterday while watching Oprah a woman named Monica was profiled on an episode called Warrior Moms (after Jenny McCarthy's book). Monica contracted a flesh eating disease and became a quadruple amputee. Her fiancée still married her, when most men would have run for the hills. The woman is a true inspiration. She lives her life to the fullest and things she can not be a good mother if she is miserable. My hat is off to her.

They go in her home so we can see how she lives her life, very inspirational. Then Jenny says, "I hear you even pay the bills." Monica replies, "Yes I do, I write all my checks." Then she proceeds to show us how, she drops the pen, she fumbles the book and tells us that it takes her three hours to do the bills.

I turn to my wife and say, "Why doesn't she just use online checking?" I know I'm an a-hole.

It's hard to write with that hook,
but it can easily just click send

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