Last night my wife and I went on a tour of the hospital maternity section. There was the usual cast of characters: the couple with a ton of questions, the funny couple (actually not really funny. Example: the tour guide says, "This is where you drop the baby off for the tests?" He replies, "Can we not say drop. I don't want to drop my baby!" BA-ZING!), the couple who was over it (that was us). We had a surprise guest couple though, the anti-establishment couple.
"When they are delivering the baby, can we make sure no one is in the room but my midwife?" Of course you can replied the tour guide. Then we go to the nursery, where you have to "drop off" your baby, so it can be cleaned, tested, weighed and heated up (I kid you no, they put the kid under a heat lamp like he's a hamburger). The anti-establishment says, "Can I be with my baby during all this testing?" No, you can't go into the nursery. "Why not? I want to see what they are doing to my baby." You can look in through the glass but you can not go inside. Duh, I don't want that couple walking near my newborn baby with their adult germs!
The best question of the night though was again from out anti-establishment couple. "Can I wear my own clothes during delivery? Like not wear the gown they give me." Really? WTF are you going to wear instead? Your lucky jeans? Sometimes I just hate people. The couple also declared on the elevator ride down that they wished they took the tour early so that they could change hospitals because this hospital is bad (FYI - it's one of the best in the city)
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