Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama won, now STFU about it

I support Obama (mixed kids 4 life!), I donated, I talked to people about voting for him, my middle name is Barak. I am ecstatic he won, my world has already changed because of it. However, people need to be quiet about it for now and let January 20th come.

Lots of people are saying that the eletion proved that America is not racist. Slow down. What it porved is 53% of the 61% of eligible voters picked Obama. That's only 32% of the eligible voters picking him. That's not a lot, and how many of the people who voted for Barack are black, Latino or some other minority that racism was never a problem they had but one they experienced.

To some, what Barack is now is a validation that darkies are taking over. He's a recruitment tool of racist extremist. He's already recieved so many death threats and he's not even in office.

So for now, just whisper hope and change, at least until Barack gets his foot in the door.


Anonymous said...

of course there will always be racist people, i think it at least disproves the theory that white america is silently racist as a whole.

i've noticed i've gotten quite a few more smiles and thumbs up from darkies on the street lately.

hey. whatsup with that al-zawahiri guy by the way? did you hear he called obama a 'house negro'? even he doesn't have the balls to say nigger.

Josh Homer said...

Yo Ben,

Calling a black dude an uncle tom or a house negro is worse than the N word. When someone calls you the N word you can dismiss it very easy, like that dude is a racist and said it because you're black, but when someone calls you a house negro they are attacking not who are but your behaviour.