Friday, December 12, 2008

No Mister

We all know Hollywood is doing remakes of older movies because they have no new ideas and/or they are not willing to take a chance on anything new (See The Day the Earth Stood Still or Starsky & Hutch.) However you could always count on a least different actors. Not anymore. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Yes Man or as I like to call it Liar Liar 2.

Haven't we seen the exact same plot but with a different reason to explain it? No Josh there is a difference, that Jim Carrey had to tell the truth and this Jim Carrey has to say yes to everything. Oh yeah, then which movie is this picture from?

"Did you eat my food that I had in the company fridge?"
He either has to tell the truth or say yes.


amypatrick said...

The picture is from Yes Man. I can tell by the hair.

Josh Homer said...

no fair! you cheated!
but seriously, same movie.

Harris said...

actually, yes man is the male version of a popular chick book, where this chick spent a year only saying yes (even went out with a homeless dude)

you a dad yet?


Josh Homer said...

I don't read books, unless they have pictures, are about comedy, or are technical manuals. It's how I keep my brain dumb.

no baby yet.