Friday, May 2, 2008

I did the math

I'm half black and half white.
My wife is 3/4 Pakistani and 1/4 Nepalese.

This means our children will be 1/4 white, 1/4 black, 3/8 Pakistani and 1/8 Nepalese.

This means they can look like anything, well anything except my parents. No way they will come out black or white. I guess that's good, maybe.


Anonymous said...

Josh I think you need to be more specific-- you break down your wife's ancestry by country, but you call yourself only half black and half white.

What kind of white? Albanian? Latvian? Bulgarian? Alsacian?

And what kind of black? Senegalese? Congolese? Madagascarian?


All White, Kicked Out of Most European Countries at Some Point in My Ancestry

Josh Homer said...

Well my mom comes from that whole slave thing, so we will never know from where she hails. My dad is a eurpean mix, his mom was an orphan so we will never know that. His dad is a mix of German, Italian and English.

All I know is my kids will be the children of the future. I'm hoping for some super powers somewhere in the mix, like Heros.
