So this morning head head off to the subway a little before 7 AM so I can go to the gym before work. I am in my shorts, a Budweiser t shirt and I have my gym bag in one hand and a button up shirt in the other.
As I am walking to the spot where I wait, a dude in a wife beater is walking towards me. Our eyes meet, and he stairs at me so I look back at him. It's New York and you never know when a crazy might pop off.
He walks down the track, then turns around and comes back to me. The following exchange takes place:
Wife Beater: Do you know me?
Me: What?
Wife Beater: I said do you know me? Cuz you were looking at me like you know me.
Me: What? I don't know you.
Wife Beater: You were stairing at me pretty hard as I walked up. I'm saying, you look like the last dude I fought, I box, and you look like the last guy I fought. Yeah you look like him.
Me: Well I'm not him.
Wife Beater: So you don't know me. You know what I'm saying?
Me: No I don't know what you're saying, because I don't know you.
Wife Beater: Oh Ok. I guess we can just leave it like that then.
Me: I guess we can.
He walks up the track and the well dressed guy next to me who saw all this happen, just looked at me and we laughed. Wife Beater walks down the track and stairs at me until the train comes. I look him dead in the eye, I know if I look away or look scared he will come back. He mumbles loud enough so I can hear that I look like the last guy he boxed (He mentioned he boxed at least 4 times in the two minute exchange). I smile at him. Maybe not the smartest thing to do, but honestly I could have taken Wife Beater in a fight. He was 5 fot 6 inches (maybe) and looked to weigh about 135 lbs. I'm 6 foot 1 inch and weigh 215 lbs. I work out 4 times a week, and have studied marital arts for a few years, plus it's every dude's dream to be in the right and beat someone up.
hey josh homer,
actually, i'd accept being wrong and beating someone up.
rock on,
My wife read this blog and is mad at me. She said that I don't carry a gun or a knife so I could get killed. I told her I carry a gun with a knife on the end.
hey josh homer,
i carry mace...what?
rock on,
(just kiddin')
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