Friday, July 11, 2008

I got carded!

My brother bought me an X Box 360 as a present! This coupled with my in-laws' in-laws giving me gift certificates to Best Buy have made me a happy camper.

Yesterday I decided to actually buy a game for the X Box and chose Gears of War so I can play with my brother on line (Nerd alert). I go into the stor pick up my game and go to pay. "I need to see some ID please?" "For what?" "That's a restricted game, no kids can buy it without thier parentes permission" I laugh and show her my driver's license and my student ID.

I have not looked 17 in probably 10 years. I don't even think I look younger than 21 but younger than 18? Come on. Maybe the sales girl was trying to get my full name and exact age before she tried to holla at me. Or maybe she wanted to see how old I was so she could laugh that I was buying a video game, with gift cards no less.

Apparently you need to look at least 50 or prove you live in your mom's basement to buy this without a hassle


Unknown said...

no, she just didn't have her glasses on. They needto make their workers wear their glasses, bcause they will keep lying to customers.

Josh Homer said...

A steady stream of hate because I am aging gracefully.


Unknown said...

yea ok, when u find the fountain of youth let me know:)