Friday, July 11, 2008

It looks good now....

While waiting at the DMV to straighten out why they were sending notices to my father-in-law about my car, I saw a woman with a lower back tattoo. The design was nice and I'm sure it looked good at one point. However this lady looked about 70 and was at the DMV with wher 4 grandchildren. Sexy it was not. Pretty soon all the people who got those crazy tattoos and the huge hoola hoop in your ear lobe earrings will regret it. It looks cool when your 18, but no so much when you 43.

Maybe I could store my AARP tags here

It's about long term planning. Granted these people look cooler than me NOW, but in 30 years I will have the last laugh. When your ear lobes sag worse than your old testicles, you'll regret it.

Truthfully, I've always wanted a tattoo. I even got some designs made, but then always chickened out because I was scared what the tattoo will look like in 40 years. Now my wife wants me to get her name tattooed on my body. HA! That's a bit too serious for me. I can see marraige and a baby, but a tattoo of her name? No way.

Just wait till the tatto is covered in liver spots

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