Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Conversation with my wife

While discussing some money that is owed to my wife by her job and when it's coming to her we had the following exchange.

Wife: That's a nice chunk of change to put away

Me: That can buy a wii and an xbox 360

Wife: That's why i'm obsessed with
[Client X] paying

Wife: If you buy a new xbox, can you donate the old one then?

Me: Donate? poor people don't need xbox!

Wife: I just don't want all these gaming systems cluttering our house and why wouldn't poor people want xbox, it would be better than having the kids on the streets

Bless my wife's heart. She means well but it's obvious she has never really been poor. I could donate the XBox to the Salvation Army and they would sell it for 1/4 of what it's worth and then give the $25 to the poor. However I doubt homeless Bob needs to play Halo. Maybe I would need to donate my TV as well, and perhaps an extension cord. Someone else will have to donate the electricity.

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