Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Double standard

So I've wanted an XBOX 360 for a while now. I need to finish out the Halo trilogy. My wife has always given me crap for it. She says I'm an adult and shouldn't play video games, or we can't afford an XBOX 360 (which is a total lie), or some crap like that. But I will get one, it's just a matter of time (maybe I'll spen my Comedy Central money on it! Looks like I might get a plasma TV and a 360 with MY money.)

Here's the double standard: my wife wants to get a Wii! She wants me to buy one and asked me to pick it up. That's some BS if you ask me. The Wii even costs more. Now I hear from many people that the Wii is great and the physical activity needed to play the games sets it apart from others (Back to the Future II quote: You mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy! Shout out to Joe Jessup).

It is true what Sir Paul McCartney said during his divorce hearings, "No one tells the wife what to do." As proof Heather Mills poured water on Paul's lawyer after she was awarded $50 Million in the divorce. I wonder if his lawyer will sue, personally I would have swung on her. Now I'm not pro woman beating, but pouring water on you is preety bad, unless it's in a rap video and you're getting paid for it. I would have kicked Heather's wooden leg out from under her. But I digress, the $50 million is a lot of money for 4 years of marraige. Thats about $1,400 an hour for the entire time they were married. That could buy a lot of XBOX 360s or at least some Wii's.

Heather now that you actually have money of your own what are you going to do?
I'm going to play Dance Dance revolution!
Get off on the good foot!

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