Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Only in New York City

So I'm walking from SoHo to the Lower East Side in Manhattan. The path leads me past Whole Foods, an "upscale" grocery that even has a singles night. As I am walking by I notice a man and woman arguing in front of the supermarket, well more him just yelling at her.

Dude: I can't believe you got some dudes number right in front of me!

Girl: He's a coworker, I wasn't trying to...

Dude: Bitch, you don't need no coworkers number!

He then mushes the girl in the face! The girl immediately walks away.
Remember Jigga and his infamous lady punch?

If that wasn't crazy enough a dude steps in. Now this guy is about 6 foot 5 inches tall, but more importantly he has what looks to be a 14 month old kid on his shoulders.

Tall Dude: Whoa buddy! There's no need for that.

Dude: Mind your own fucking business!

Tall Dude: This is my business, you're on the street.

Then the short hitter dude runs off, I can only assume he runs off to get his girl. The thing is you know this is not the first time he's given her a knuckle sandwich, so more than likely they are still together today. The crazy part was the kid on the shoulders. I can understand wanting to stand up for the girl, I mean I was going to say something but as I took my ear buds out my ear Tall Dad jumped in immediately. But he should have thought of that kid. If something did pop off, that little kid would have fallen from over 6 feet in the air. It would have been a wrap for your son, all for some chick who probably wouldn't have even cared.

Maybe the son was the spotter. "Dad look over there, it's injustice!" The kid is the brains and the father is the braun. It would have really been funny if a fight actually broke out and the dad used the little kid as a bat! Oh well. All I know is I was ready to do something if it did pop off. This is one of many street altercations I've seen in the city (The funniest was a fight on Canal St. between two African street venders. This one came to blows and a chair was used. It was like a WWE cage match).

Side Bar - Never try to break up a fight between couples. The end result is both of them start hitting you. I speak from experience.


amypatrick said...

Ever heard that Bill Burr bit about violence on the subway and if he steps in he will become the girlfriend?
Are you sure tall dad wasn't Joe?

Josh Homer said...

I was waiting for the dad to start beating the other guy with his kid (kid bat style).