Friday, March 7, 2008

Maybe I will make it after all

This year I had to hire an accountant. It's not that I'm making a bunch of money on comedy (I'm still in the red), but because of all the special deductions I have now (home office, car, video equipment etc) from being a comic. I do earn some money, and I've actually earned more in 2008 so far than I earned in all of 2007.

The point is I go to my accountant and drop off my expences, bills, earnings etc and he asks me about comedy, what I'm doing, where can he see me, things like that. I tell him and he follows it up with, "You know that's how accountants get rich. They hook up with a client who is about to make it big and then bam, the accoutant is rich too. So Josh this will be your year, keep working on that sitcom." Nice.

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