Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So I have a cold

I've had a cough for about two weeks now. I attribute it to one guy in my office that has a new cold every Monday which he passes on to us all.

My wife is sick of me coughing, and she finds it annoying. She wants me to go to the doctor or start taking some over the counter stuff so she doesn't have to hear me yack up green mucus in the morning. I'm not anti-doctor, but I'm not pro-doctor either. I think God made a pretty good machine when he made the human body, and I think that by beating illness on my own it makes my body more capable of fending off disease. (Now if I get cancer, like my mom, my uncles, etc. then you best believe I'm changing my tune)

Suck on two of these goat penises
and call me in the moring

My thought process is this: my body has to beat it on its own. I have to build up my immune system for when the super bug comes out. I want to be Will Smith in I Am Legend without needlessly blowing myself up. I think that all the people who use the germ killing lotions like Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer are hurting themselves in the long run. You're body was made to fight off infection, and the more infections you fight off the better your system gets. It's like lifting weights.

Poor people can't afford (or don't waste their money on) Purell or a bunch of antibiotics. So when the super flu comes, poor people will be ready, rich people will die in a vat of Purell Instant Hand Sanitizer while looking up the super flu on Web MD.

You think a cold, tetanus or even a gun shot can stop these kids? Behold the future

I figure if I can live then I can rule the poor people. That's the reasoning behind me not going to the doctor or using a bunch of meds. It's all part of my plan to rule the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have the same feeling. I used to grab for a dimtapp or benadryl at the first sign of a runny nose, sore throat or whatever. now, i just let my body do the work. i think george carlin did a bit bout bodies fighting diesases once.