Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where the hell is Josh?

Usually I update every day, but I'm busy. I apologize to my faithful fan. I might be on TV in the near future, and one of the things that happens is you have to type out everything word for word of what you will say. Then this document is sent to the folks over at Standards and Practices, another copy is sent to the FCC, and yet another copy is sent to a group of lawyers to ensure that what you say will not open the network up to legal action. Each group makes notes and sends you a list of things you can do, thing you can't do and things you can do but just not in their current form.

As such I'm in the process of fact checking (I need to provide a legal document showing that a group I talk about has an opinion I say they do), rewriting, and just generally agonizing. And yes, it's as fun as it sounds.

The regular comedy blog will continue soon.


Dave Robison said...

Will the attorneys let you tell us about the show before it airs?


Josh Homer said...

I doubt it. I can't even tell you what show it is (that's in the contract).